Fast and efficient data plotting and analysis!
PulseView 1.3 Features
- Opens data files for quick display.
- Opens large data sets quickly.
- Interpolates data (linear or cubic) for faster viewing.
- Saves interpolated data.
- Performs on-demand histograms.
- Performs on-demand Fast Fourier Transforms
- Performs user-entered math formulas.
- Click-to-Point Data retrieval for reading values off of the graph
- Cursors for reading values and zooming in.
- Quick stats showing Max, MIn, Mean, Standard Deviation, and the Full-width Half-Maximum Value of the largest peak.
- Shows stats for user selectable ranges of the plot.
- Fast re-scaling of data.
- Sonification of waveforms for audio-based analysis.
- Stretchable Form.
- Program remembers all display settings.
- Program stores four sets of display settings.
- Reads text files of all kinds including png and csv formats.
- Fast replotting of data columns.
- Fast scrolling though multiple files in a folder (my favorite feature).
- Updates calculations when scolling through files
- Change graph properties.
- Copy an image of the plot to the clipboard, or save it as an image.
- Associate the file extension with PulseView such that files can be opened with the typical double-click.
- More to come......
Download the latest version of Pulseview.