In Development
- We are studying the use of Fourier phase to track high-resolution information during processing of Image Phase Aligned Super-Sampling (ImPASS) images.
- The Dulcian Detector 3p0 has been completed and tested. We are looking to upgrade our laser to improve system sensitivity.
- We are working on a Windows 11 version for Tria.
- Vangi, Dario, MICHELANGELO-SANTO Gulino, N. Montinaro, C. Mineo, D. Cerniglia, and G. Epasto. "On the use of two emerging laser-based flaw-detection techniques–Considerations and practicalities." Optics and Lasers in Engineering 165 (2023): 107551.
Gulino, Michelangelo-Santo, Mara Bruzzi, James Norbert Caron, and Dario Vangi. "Non-Contact Ultrasonic Inspection by Gas-Coupled Laser Acoustic Detection (GCLAD)." Scientific Reports 12, no. 1 (2022): 1-12.
Vangi, D., M. Bruzzi, J. N. Caron, and M. S. Gulino. "Compact Probe for Non-Contact Ultrasonic Inspection with the Gas-Coupled Laser Acoustic Detection (GCLAD) Technique." Experimental Mechanics 62, no. 3 (2022): 403-415.
- Vangi, Dario, Mara Bruzzi, James Norbert Caron, and Michelangelo-Santo Gulino. "Crack detection with gas-coupled laser acoustic detection technique." Measurement Science and Technology 32, no. 9 (2021): 095202.
Vangi, Dario, Mara Bruzzi, James N. Caron, and Michelangelo S. Gulino. "Signal enhancement in surface crack detection with gas-coupled laser acoustic detection." Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation 40, no. 4 (2021): 1-12.
- J.N. Caron. "Acoustic Sensing for super-heated bubble chambers using a GCLAD system," the 6th International Symposium on Laser-Ultrasonics and Advanced Sensing, July 9-13, 2018, in Nottingham, England.
- J.N. Caron. "Focused ultrasound sensing in water using a GCLAD system," the 5th International Symposium on Laser-Ultrasonics and Advanced Sensing, July 4-8, 2016, in Linz Austria, published in Feb 2017 issue of abstract paper
- J. L. Johnson, K. van Wijk, J. N. Caron, and M. Timmerman, "Photoacoustic and ultrasound imaging with a gas-coupled laser acoustic line detector," Proc. SPIE 9708, Photons Plus Ultrasound: Imaging and Sensing 2016, 970814 (March 15, 2016); doi:10.1117/12.2211800. abstract
J. L. Johnson, K. van Wijk, J. N. Caron, and M. Timmerman. "Gas-coupled laser acoustic detection as a non-contact line detector for photoacoustic and ultrasound imaging." Journal of Optics 18, no. 2 (2016): 024005.
- J.N. Caron, "Immersion Detection of Ultrasound using a GCLAD system," Laser Ultrasonics Symposium, Evanston, Illinois, USA, June 29, 2015. abstract paper
- J.N. Caron and G.P. DiComo, "Frequency Response of Optical Beam Deflection by Ultrasound in Water," Applied Optics, 53(32), 7677-7683. abstract
- J.N. Caron, "Atypical Applications for Gas-coupled Laser Acoustic Detection," presented on June 25, 2013, at the 3rd International Symposium on Laser Ultrasonics and Advanced Sensing, Tokahoma, Japan. abstract paper
- J.N. Caron and P. Kunapareddy, "Application of Gas-coupled Laser Acoustic Detection to Gelatins and Underwater Sensing," Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, ed. by D.O. Thompson and D.E. Chimenti, AIP, Vol. 32, 2013.
- J.N. Caron, "Displacement and Deflection Sensitivity of Gas-coupled Laser Acoustic Detection," published in Laser Ultrasonics, 2008. abstract paper
- J.N. Caron, "Displacement and Deflection of an Optical Beam by Airborne Ultrasound," Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation , ed. by D.O. Thompson and D.E. Chimenti, AIP, Vol. 27A, 2008, p.247. (Cited by 3) abstract paper
- J.N. Caron, D.M. Huber, V. DiPietro, and C.J. Rollins, "Progress towards a portable laser-based ultrasound sensor using gas-coupled laser acoustic detection," Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, ed. by D.O. Thompson and D.E. Chimenti, AIP, Vol. 24A, 2005. (Cited by 2) abstract
- J.N. Caron, Y. Yang, J.B. Mehl and K.V. Steiner, "Overview: Ultrasound sensing using Gas-coupled Laser Acoustic Detection," (Cited by 2) Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, Vol. 17, 2002, p. 169.
- J.N. Caron, Y. Yang, J.B. Mehl, and K.V. Steiner, ``Gas coupled laser acoustic detection for ultrasound inspection of composite materials", (Cited by 11) Materials Evaluation, Vol. 58, No. 5, 2001, p. 667. abstract
- J.N. Caron, Y. Yang, J.B. Mehl and K.V. Steiner, "Multiple-beam detection using Gas-coupled Laser Acoustic Detection," Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, vol 20, 2000. abstract
- J.N. Caron, J.B. Mehl and K.V. Steiner, "Gas-coupled laser acoustic detection." U.S. Patent 6,041,020, issued March 21, 2000.
- J.N. Caron, Y. Yang, J.B. Mehl and K.V. Steiner, "Progress in Gas-coupled Laser Acoustic Detection," Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, vol 18, 1998, p.317.
- J.N Caron, Y. Yang, J.B. Mehl and K.V. Steiner, "Gas-coupled Laser Acoustic Detection at Ultrasonic and Audio Frequencies," (Cited by 15) Review of Scientific Instruments, vol 69(8), 1998, p. 2912. abstract
- Re-Discovered Paper==> J.N. Caron, Y. Yang, J.B. Mehl and K.V. Steiner, "Thermoelastic and Ablative Laser Generation of Ultrasonic Waveforms in Graphite/Polymer Composite Materials," submitted to the Journal for Applied Physics for publication, but was never published, May 1998. abstract paper
- J.N. Caron, J.B. Mehl and K.V. Steiner, "Acoustic-wave detection by optical beam deflection," J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 103, No. 5, Pt. 2, May 1998.
- J.N. Caron, J.B. Mehl and K.V. Steiner, "Laser-based ultrasonic NDE using gas-coupled laser acoustic detection.," J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 103, No. 5, Pt. 2, May 1998.
- J.N. Caron, J.B. Mehl and K.V. Steiner, "Ultrasonic NDE of Composite Panels by Gas-coupled Laser Acoustic Detection", (Cited by 1) Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, vol 17, 1997.
- J.N. Caron, Application of Laser Ultrasonics to Graphite/Polymer Composites, Doctoral Dissertation, University of Delaware, August 1997.
- J.N. Caron, Y. Yang, J.B. Mehl and K.V. Steiner, "Laser generation and detection of elastic waves in graphite/polymer composites," J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 100, No. 4, Pt. 2, Oct. 1996.
Image Processing Publications
- J.N. Caron "Tech Note: Application of ImPASS processing to images captured for Fourier Ptychography and Structured Illumination Microscopy" Technical Note, Sept. 2023. paper
J.N. Caron "Image Phase Alignment Super-Sampling: a computational method for achieving super-resolution in macroscopic imaging." In Propagation Through and Characterization of Atmospheric and Oceanic Phenomena, pp. JTh2A-12. Optica Publishing Group, 2022.
J.N. Caron. "Empirical demonstration of achieving image resolution below the optical diffraction limit with Image Phase Alignment Super-Sampling." In Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging, pp. CW3B-1. Optica Publishing Group, 2022.
J.N. Caron, "Use of image phase information to subceed optical diffraction limits," accepted for publication, AIP Advances, April 2022.[]
- J.N. Caron and CJ Rollins, "Utilization of image phase information to achieve super-sampling," Appl. Opt. 59(23), 7066-7073 (2020) paper
- James N. Caron, Chris J. Rollins, "Improved lunar edge response function for on-orbit modulation transfer function calibration using albedo flattening," J. Appl. Remote Sens. 14(3), 032408 (2020), doi: 10.1117/1.JRS.14.032408. paper
- J.N. Caron and C.J. Rollins, "Improved Lunar Edge Response Function for On-Orbit MTF Calibration using Albedo Lunar Flattening," in Proceedings for the 2018 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference, 17-21 September 2018, Tallinn, Estonia.
- James N. Caron, Marcos J. Montes, and Jerome L. Obermark, "Extracting flat-field images from scene-based image sequences using phase correlation," Review of Scientific Instruments 87, 063710 (2016); doi: 10.1063/1.4954730 abstract paper
- Exclusive Paper==> J.N. Caron, "Application of SeDDaRA Blind Deconvolution for Efficient Improvement of Confocal Microscopy Images", Quarktet Technical Note, February 2, 2011. abstract paper.
- W.E. Vanderlinde and J.N. Caron, "Blind Deconvolution of SEM Images," Proceedings of the 33rd International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis, November, 2007, p. 97-102.(Cited by 7) abstract
- J.N. Caron, "Signal processing using the self-deconvolving data reconstruction algorithm." U.S. Patent 6,859,564, issued February 22, 2005.
- J.N. Caron, "Rapid supersampling of multiframe sequences by use of blind deconvolution," Optics Letters, September, 2004, Vol 29, No. 17, p. 1986-1988.(Cited by 5) abstract paper
- J.N. Caron, "Blind deconvolution of audio-frequency signals using the self-deconvolving data restoration algorithm," (Cited by 3) The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, July, 2004, Vol 116, No. 1, p. 373-378. abstract paper
- J.N. Caron, N.M. Namazi, and C.J. Rollins, "Noniterative blind data restoration by use of an extracted filter function," (Cited by 45) Applied Optics, November 10, 2002, Vol 41, No. 32, p. 6884. abstract paper
- J.N. Caron, N.M. Namazi, R.L. Lucke, C.J. Rollins, and P.R. Lynn, Jr., "Blind data restoration with an extracted filter function," Optics Letters , August 1, 2001, Vol 26, No.15, p. 1164. (Cited by 30) abstract
Due to copyright concerns, full research papers for some journals are not included here. If you have interest in a paper, feel free to ask us to send you a copy.
Continuous Laser Generation of Ultrasound (CLGU) Publications
- J.N. Caron, G.P. DiComo, "Continuous Laser Generation of Ultrasound," Laser Ultrasonics Symposium, Evanston, Illinois, USA, June 29, 2015. abstract paper
- J.N. Caron, "Atypical Applications for Gas-coupled Laser Acoustic Detection," presented on June 25, 2013, at the 3rd International Symposium on Laser Ultrasonics and Advanced Sensing, Tokahoma, Japan.abstractpaper
- James N. Caron, Gregory P. DiComo, and Sergei Nikitin, "Generation of ultrasound in materials using continuous-wave lasers," (Cited by 7) Opt. Lett. 37, 830-832 (2012). abstract
- J.N. Caron, G.P. Dicomo, and S. Nikitin,"Continuous Laser Generation of Ultrasound in Materials using High Power Fiber Lasers," Lasers, Sources and Related Photonics Devices, OSA, February 3, 2012, Rancho Bernardo Inn, San Diego, California, USA.
- J.N. Caron, G.P. Dicomo, and S. Nikitin, "Continuous Laser Generation of Ultrasound for Nondestructive Evaluation," Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation , ed. by D.O. Thompson and D.E. Chimenti, AIP, Vol. 30, 2011. (Cited by 1)
- Caron, James N. "Continuous Laser Generation of Ultrasound." U.S. Patent 20,110,048,135, issued March 3, 2011.
Third-Party Papers
These are published papers that reference or use our techniques.
Choi, Taeyoung, and Changyong Cao. "NOAA-20 VIIRS On-Orbit Geometric Data Quality Estimation Using the Scheduled Lunar Collections." IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 60 (2022): 1-10.
Russell, Zachary E., Mathieu Therezien, Tomas J. McIntee, Shane T. DiDona, Jeffrey J. Haggen, and Edward L. Principe. "Fast Automatic Point Spread Function Deconvolution Using Edge Detection." Microscopy and Microanalysis 28, no. S1 (2022): 3076-3077.
Agarwal, Akshay, Minxu Peng, and Vivek K. Goyal. "Continuous-time modeling and analysis of particle beam metrology." IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Information Theory (2023).
Sartori, Itay, Avi Davis, Alon Berlinski, Raz Chengal, and Amir Handelman. "Effect of water-waves on recognition of speech signals transmitted over a wireless optical communication channel." Optics & Laser Technology 167 (2023): 109682.
Costa, M., and C. Schaal. "Guided ultrasound inspection of small features using a horn-type transducer design." Experimental Mechanics 63, no. 2 (2023): 251-262.
Yu, Rongzhao, Xin Li, Yifan Zhen, and Bin Xue. "Estimation of underwater acoustic direction-of-arrival using the probe beam deflection technique." JOSA A 40, no. 5 (2023): 987-995.--Wilson, Truman, and Xiaoxiong Xiong. "Surface corrected lunar MTF measurements in MODIS and VIIRS using the SP model." IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 60 (2022): 1-12.
Makarkin, Mikhail, and Daniil Bratashov. "State-of-the-Art Approaches for Image Deconvolution Problems, including Modern Deep Learning Architectures." Micromachines 12, no. 12 (2021): 1558.
Yao, Dong, Hongfu Qiang, Di Wang, Kai He, Jie Zhang, Zhibing Li, and Mengmeng Yue. "Laser array line source with adjustable period used for LGUS chemical corrosion detection." Journal of Saudi Chemical Society 26, no. 4 (2022): 101515.
Makarkin, Mikhail, and Daniil Bratashov. "State-of-the-art approaches for image deconvolution problems, including modern deep learning architectures." Micromachines 12, no. 12 (2021): 1558.
Lengenfelder, Benjamin, Hassan Jarkas, Nadav Shabairou, Martin Hohmann, Michael Schmidt, Zeev Zalevsky, and Florian Klämpfl. "Remote photoacoustic tomography using diode-array and speckle-analysis." In Tissue Optics and Photonics, vol. 11363, p. 1136308. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2020.
Cabrera, Sierra, Jacob Clement, Christiano Lenzi, Mira Sheahan, and Tai Withers. Refraction of a Laser Beam in Various Mediums Due to Ultrasound Waves. (2021)
Kaderuppan, Shiraz S., Eugene Wai Leong Wong, Anurag Sharma, and Wai Lok Woo. "Smart nanoscopy: A review of computational approaches to achieve super-resolved optical microscopy." IEEE Access 8 (2020): 214801-214831.
Lengenfelder, Benjamin, Hassan Jarkas, Nadav Shabairou, Martin Hohmann, Michael Schmidt, Zeev Zalevsky, and Florian Klämpfl. "Remote photoacoustic tomography using diode-array and speckle-analysis." In Tissue Optics and Photonics, vol. 11363, p. 1136308. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2020.
Li, Jingsong, Ming Liu, Haoyuan Du, Yuejin Zhao, Liquan Dong, Yijian Wu, Lingqin Kong, Wei Jia, Mei Hui, and Xiaohua Liu. "Hybrid imaging with extended depth of field based on binocular ranging." Review of Scientific Instruments 90, no. 8 (2019): 083109.
Lucia, De, Dario Vangi, Michele Carboni, and Bernardo Zuccarello. "Doctoral Programme in Industrial Engineering Dottorato di Ricerca in Ingegneria Industriale." Dissertation.
Zhang, Xiang, Jonathan R. Fincke, Charles M. Wynn, Matt R. Johnson, Robert W. Haupt, and Brian W. Anthony. "Full noncontact laser ultrasound: first human data." Light: Science & Applications 8, no. 1 (2019): 1-11.
Sathiyamoorthy, Krishnan, and Michael C. Kolios. "Experimental design and numerical investigation of a photoacoustic sensor for a low-power, continuous-wave, laser-based frequency-domain photoacoustic microscopy." Journal of biomedical optics 24, no. 12 (2019): 121912.
- Lengenfelder, Benjamin, Fanuel Mehari, Martin Hohmann, Markus Heinlein, Erika Chelales, Maximilian J. Waldner, Florian Klämpfl, Zeev Zalevsky, and Michael Schmidt. "Remote photoacoustic sensing using speckle-analysis." Scientific reports 9, no. 1 (2019): 1057.
- Li, Zheng, Alexey M. Lomonosov, Chenyin Ni, Bing Han, and Zhonghua Shen. "Selective generation of Lamb modes by a moving continuous-wave laser." Optics letters 43, no. 1 (2018): 78-81. (Note: This is the first experimental validation of CLGU)
- Redding, MacKenzie Ryan, Scott Alan Gold, and Thomas Graham Spears. "Non-contact acoustic inspection method for additive manufacturing processes." U.S. Patent 10,073,060, issued September 11, 2018.
- Arora, Ruchika, and Gajendra Singh. "Key Challenges and Resolutions for Atmospheric Turbulence Effect Removal." International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing 11, no. 11 (2018): 39-52.
- Zhao, Yang, Jianwei Chen, Jihua Sun, Jiangfeng Song, Jian Ma, Shuai Liu, and Yinian Zhu. "Applications of laser ultrasonic technique on nondestructive testing and evaluation of materials." In MATEC Web of Conferences, vol. 173, p. 02033. EDP Sciences, 2018.
- Qin, Xujia, Zheng Hongbo, Liuyan Ren, Lingling Ke, and Meiyu Zhang. "A Single Image Fast Deblurring Algorithm based on Hyper-Laplacian Model." IET Image Processing (2018).
- Pouli, Tania, Erik Reinhard, and Douglas W. Cunningham. "Gradients, Edges, and Contrast." Encyclopedia of Image Processing (2018): 234.
- Johnson, Jami L., Mervyn Merrilees, Jeffrey Shragge, and Kasper van Wijk. "All-Optical Extravascular Laser-Ultrasound and Photoacoustic Imaging of Calcified Atherosclerotic Plaque in Excised Carotid Artery." Photoacoustics (2018).
- Wen, Lianghua, Ping Yang, Shuai Wang, Shanqui Chen, L. I. U. Wenjing, Wei Bai, Zhiqiang Xu, Feilong Wang, and Bing Xu. "Fast Restoration of Aberration-Degraded Extended Object Based on Local Region Abstraction." IEEE Photonics Journal 10, no. 4 (2018): 1-13.
- Işil, Çağatay, Mustafa Yorulmaz, Berkan Solmaz, Adil Burak Turhan, Celalettin Yurdakul, Selim Ünlü, Ekmel Ozbay, and Aykut Koç. "Resolution enhancement of wide-field interferometric microscopy by coupled deep autoencoders." Applied optics 57, no. 10 (2018): 2545-2552.
- Wissmeyer, Georg, Miguel A. Pleitez, Amir Rosenthal, and Vasilis Ntziachristos. "Looking at sound: optoacoustics with all-optical ultrasound detection." Light: Science & Applications 7, no. 1 (2018): 1-16. (Discusses GCLAD but does not reference our work).
- Kumar, Ahlad. "Deblurring of motion blurred images using histogram of oriented gradients and geometric moments." Signal Processing: Image Communication 55 (2017): 55-65.
- Barnes, Ronald A., Caleb C. Roth, Hope T. Beier, Gary Noojin, Christopher Valdez, Joel Bixler, Erick Moen, Mehdi Shadaram, and Bennett L. Ibey. "Probe beam deflection optical imaging of thermal and mechanical phenomena resulting from nanosecond electric pulse (nsEP) exposure in-vitro." Optics express 25, no. 6 (2017): 6621-6643.
- 宮本敦, and 中平健治. "SEM 画像復元における劣化関数推定技術." 電気学会論文誌 C (電子・情報・システム部門誌) 137, no. 12 (2017): 1669-1675.
- Požar, T., J. Rus, and R. Petkovšek. "Optical Detection of Impact Contact Times with a Beam Deflection Probe." Experimental Mechanics 57, no. 8 (2017): 1225-1238.
- Kumar, Rahul, Manoj Purohit, Deepa Saini, and Brajesh Kumar Kaushik. "Air Turbulence Mitigation Techniques for Long-Range Terrestrial Surveillance." IETE Technical Review 34, no. 4 (2017): 416-430.
- Bauer-Marschallinger, Johannes, Karoline Felbermayer, and Thomas Berer. "All-optical photoacoustic projection imaging." Biomedical optics express 8, no. 9 (2017): 3938-3951.
- Johnson, Jami L., Jeffrey Shragge, and Kasper van Wijk. "Nonconfocal all-optical laser-ultrasound and photoacoustic imaging system for angle-dependent deep tissue imaging." Journal of Biomedical Optics 22, no. 4 (2017): 041014-041014.
- Melechovský, Tomáš. "Metody rekonstrukce obrazu pro prostorově variantní zobrazovací systémy." (2017).
- Redding, MacKenzie Ryan, Scott Alan Gold, and Thomas Graham Spears. "Non-contact acoustic inspection method for additive manufacturing processes." U.S. Patent Application 14/946,451, filed May 25, 2017.
- Park, Byeongjin, Hoon Sohn, Pawel Malinowski, and Wieslaw Ostachowicz. "Delamination localization in wind turbine blades based on adaptive time-of-flight analysis of noncontact laser ultrasonic signals." Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation 32, no. 1 (2017): 1-20.
- Sakamoto, João MS, Renan B. Marques, Cláudio Kitano, Nicolau AS Rodrigues, and Rudimar Riva. "Optical beam deflection sensor: design and experiments." Applied optics 56, no. 28 (2017): 8005-8013.
- Jian, J. "Ultrasound field measurement and modelling for non-destructive testing." PhD diss., City, University of London, 2017.
- Paltauf, Guenther, Petra Hartmair, Georgi Kovachev, and Robert Nuster. "Piezoelectric line detector array for photoacoustic tomography." Photoacoustics 8 (2017): 28-36.
- Timmerman, Miriam. "Characterizing GCLAD as a non-contact detector for biomedical applications." (2016).
Kumar, Rahul, Manoj Purohit, Deepa Saini, and Brajesh Kumar Kaushik. "Air Turbulence Mitigation Techniques for Long-Range Terrestrial Surveillance." IETE Technical Review (2016): 1-15.
Vijitha, B., and K. S. Reddy. "Image reconstruction with super-resolution." International Journal of Research in Computer Applications and Robotics 4 (2016): 36-40.
- Yao Ren, Runcai Miao, Xiaoming Su, and Hua Chen, "Visualizing detecting low-frequency underwater acoustic signals by means of optical diffraction," Appl. Opt. 55, 2018-2023 (2016).
- Kovnir, A.E., Stepanenko, K.E. and Ilyashenko, M.B., 2016. DEFOCUSED IMAGE RESTORATION CONFIDENCE INCREASING BY IMPROVING ROUNDING ERRORS CORRECTIONS. Radio Electronics, Computer Science, Control, (3).
- Ma, Yongqiang, and Yang Nie. "Model-Based Design Methodology for Blind Image Restoration." International Journal of Smart Home 9, no. 10 (2015): 205-214.
- Bagheri, Abdollah, Elisabetta Pistone, and Piervincenzo Rizzo. "Outlier Analysis and Artificial Neural Network for the Noncontact Nondestructive Evaluation of Immersed Plates." Research in Nondestructive Evaluation 26, no. 3 (2015): 154-173.
- Bal, Ufuk, Mehmet Engin, and Urs Utzinger. "A multiresolution approach for enhancement and denoising of microscopy images." Signal, Image and Video Processing 9, no. 4 (2015): 787-799.
- Xue, Feng, and Thierry Blu. "A Novel SURE-Based Criterion for Parametric PSF Estimation." Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on 24, no. 2 (2015): 595-607.
Xue, Feng, Jiaqi Liu, Zhifeng Li, Shengdong Liu, Gang Meng, and Li Zhang. "Mallows’ statistics C L: A novel criterion for parametric PSF estimation." Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 33 (2015): 115-122.
- Tran, Phu Ninh, Quang Thi Nguyen, Hieu Dang Quang, and Hong Quang Le. "A Novel DECONVOLUTION ALGORITHM FOR IMAGE RESTORATION." International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology 7, no. 6 (2015): 1774.
- Barnes, R., 2014. Application of the probe beam deflection technique in photoacoustic and ultrasound imaging. Dissertation, The University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Lifshin, Eric, Yudhishthir P. Kandel, and Richard L. Moore. "Improving Scanning Electron Microscope Resolution for Near Planar Samples Through the Use of Image Restoration." Microscopy and microanalysis: the official journal of Microscopy Society of America, Microbeam Analysis Society, Microscopical Society of Canada (2013): 1-12.
- Johnson, Jami L. "Biomedical Photoacoustic Imaging Using Gas-coupled Laser Acoustic Detection." (2013).
- Goncharov, A. S., N. G. Iroshnikov, and Andrey V. Larichev. "Retinal imaging: adaptive optics." In Handbook of Coherent-Domain Optical Methods, pp. 397-434. Springer New York, 2013.
- Chowdhry, Danish Ali, I. Touqir, and A. M. Siddiqui. "Contrast Enhancement in Poor Visibility Conditions Using Guided Filtering." Radioengineering (2013).
- Marini, Leonardo, Jasmina Kozarev, Ladislav Grad, M. Jezersek, and B. Cencic. "Fractional Er: YAG Skin Conditioning for Enhanced Efficacy of Nd: YAG Q-Switched Laser Tattoo Removal." J Laser Health Acad 1 (2012): 35-40.
- Wen, Bo, Jing Zhang, and Zipeng Jiao. "Hardware architecture design of image restoration based on time-frequency domain computation." In Eighth International Symposium on Multispectral Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, pp. 892002-892002. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2013.
- Rao, Changhui, Hua Bao, and Yu Tian. AO-Based High Resolution Image Post-Processing. INTECH Open Access Publisher, 2012.
- Sohn, Hoon. "Laser based structural health monitoring for civil, mechanical, and aerospace systems." In SPIE Smart Structures and Materials+ Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, pp. 834502-834502. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2012.
- Darcie, Thomas E., Hamid Pahlevaninezhad, and Keith Taylor. "Improved interaction geometries for efficient acousto-optic beam deflection sensing in air." Optical Sensors, pp. SM2F-3. Optical Society of America, 2012. (There is no reference to our work, but it is clearly GCLAD.)
- Hoon Sohn, "Laser based structural health monitoring for civil, mechanical, and aerospace systems," Proc. SPIE 8345, Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems 2012, 834502, doi:10.1117/12.921722.
- Barmak Heshmat, Thomas E. Darcie, Keith Taylor, Hamid Pahlevaninezhad, Masood Omoomi, and Saeid Sadri, "The effect of detector distance and beam width in acousto-optical beam deflection probing in air", Optics and Laser Technology, Volume 44, Issue 4, p. 734-740, 2012.
- Jezersek, Matija, Ladislav Grad, Tomaž Požar, Boris Cencic, Irena Bacak, and Janez Mozina. "Optodynamic monitoring of laser tattoo removal." In European Conferences on Biomedical Optics, pp. 809214-809214. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2011. (There is no reference to our work, but it is clearly GCLAD.)
- Bo Wen, Qiheng Zhang and Jianlin Zhang, "Further optimization of SeDDaRA blind image deconvolution algorithm and its DSP implementation", Proc. SPIE 8005, 800502 (2011); doi:10.1117/12.901617.
- Rudnaya, Maria E., Robert MM Mattheij, Joseph ML Maubach, and Hennie G. Ter Morsche. "Orientation identification of the power spectrum." Optical Engineering 50, no. 10 (2011): 103201-103201.
- Hao Yuanyuan, Zhang Yao, and Qi Xiaoping, "FPGA-based blind image restoration algorithm," Ordnance Industry Automation, Vol 29 (9), 2010.
- Assentoft, Jørgen Erik, Jesper Skovhus Thomsen, and Arne Andreasen. "Supersampling in PET. A concept for improvement of the resolution of positron emission tomography." Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2010 Annual International Conference of the IEEE, pp. 3622-3625. IEEE, 2010.
- Chao Wang, LiFeng Sun, ZhuoYuan Chen, JianWei Zhang and ShiQiang Yang, "Multi-scale blind motion deblurring using local minimum," Inverse Problems 26 015003, 2010.
- Yu Tian,Changhui Rao, Lei Zhu, and Xuejun Rao, "Modified self-deconvolution restoration algorithm for adaptive-optics solar images," Optics Letters, Vol. 35, Issue 15, pp. 2541-2543 (2010)
- Tati Rajab Mengko, Astri Handayani, Vanya Vabrina Valindria, Samekta Hadi, and Iwan Sovani, "Image Processing in Retinal Angiography: Extracting Angiographical Features without the Requirement of Contrast Agents," MVA2009 IAPR Conference on Machine Vision Applications, May 20-22, 2009.
- Li, Dalong, and Steve Simske. "Atmospheric turbulence degraded-image restoration by kurtosis minimization." Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, IEEE 6, no. 2 (2009): 244-247.
- Haorui Zuo, Qihen Zhang, and Rujin Zhao, "An efficiency restoration method for turbulence-degraded image base on improved SeDDaRA method," Proc. SPIE, Vol. 7383, 738341 (2009).
- Zhimin Xu and Edmund Y. Lam, "Maximum a posteriori blind image deconvolution with Huber–Markov random-field regularization," Opt. Lett. 34, 1453-1455 (2009).
- Hadi, Samekta, "Restorasi Cita Autoflourescence Retina pada Kamera Fundus menggunakan Blind Deconvolution SeDDaRA". Tugas Akhir STEI ITB, 2008.
- Sergey Chalkov, Natalie Meshalkina and Chang-Su Kim, "Post-Processing Algorithm for Reducing Ringing Artefacts. in Deblurred Images," 23rd International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications, 2008.
- Jin Yang, "Quality inspection and reliability study of solder bumps in packaged electronic devices: Using laser ultrasound and finite element methods" Georgia Institute of Technology, 2008.
- Zhao, Yan, Zhonghua Shen, Jian Lu, and Xiaowu Ni. "Laser-induced Scholte wave detection at air-solid interfaces by beam deflection technique." Optical Engineering 46, no. 2 (2007): 024302-024302. (although they do not provide the appropriate credit).
- Dalong Li and Steve Simske, "Atmospheric Turbulence Degraded Image Restoration by Kurtosis Minimization," IEEE GeoScience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2009. (Although we do not agree with their results.)
- Xiao-Yue Zhai, Erik Ilsø Christensen, and Arne Andreasen, "Low Noise Electron Microscopy by Merging Multiple Images Digitized from Conventional Films with Reference to the Mouse Kidney," Microscopy and Microanalysis, vol. 12, Issue 3, p.255-261, 2006.
- Y. Sudo, N. Baba, N. Miura, S. Ueno, and R. Kitai, "Application of self-deconvolution method to shift-and-add solar imaging," Applied Optics, Vol, 45, 2707-2710 (2006).
- Kouki Yamaguchi and Pak-Kon Choi, "Probing Focused Sound Fields Using Optical-Beam Deflection Method," Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 45, No. 5B, 2006, pp. 4621-4624.
- "Spotlight on Hidden Physicists," Radiations, The Offical Publication of Sigma PI Sigma, Fall 2005, p. 16.
- Kouki Yamaguchi and Pak-Kon Choi, "Probing Focused Sound Fields Using Optical-Beam Deflection Method," Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 45, No. 5B, 2006, pp. 4621-4624.
- Y. Perchenok, G. Hurvits, and A. Azoulay, "Comparison of Damage and Ultrasonic Signals, Induced by Laser at Different Wavelengths, for Aluminum and Alumina Samples," REVIEW OF PROGRESS IN QUANTITATIVE NONDESTRUCTIVE EVALUATION, AIP Conference Proceedings -- April 9, 2005 -- Volume 760, pp. 1563-1567.
- "SOLUTIONS OF THE YEAR - 2004", Advanced Imaging Magazine, January 2004. article
- "Blind processing sharpens images," John Wallace, in LaserFocus World , November 2001, p. 43.
- Matthias M. Koebel and Matthew Zimmt, "Temporal position encoding photoacoustics: A technique for surface absorber mapping," Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 98, 116104 (2005).
- E. Guilliorit and H. Tretout, "Portable and hybrid laser generation/air-couple detection system for non-destructive inspection," 16th World Conference on NDT, Aug 30 - Sep 3, 2004 - Montreal, Canada.
- A. García-Valenzuela, G. E. Sandoval-Romero, and C. Sánchez-Pérez, "High-Resolution Optical Angle Sensors: Approaching the Diffraction Limit to the Sensitivity," Appl. Opt. 43, 4311-4321 (2004).
- Stepanov_Larichev, "Wide-angle deconvolution of human's eye retinal images." Diploma Paper, 2006.
- Y. Perchenok, G. Hurvits, and A. Azoulay, "Comparison of Damage and Ultrasonic Signals, Induced by Laser at Different Wavelengths, for Aluminum and Alumina Samples," AIP Conference Proceedings -- April 9, 2005 -- Volume 760, Issue 1, pp. 1563-1567.
- Shuyu Yang, Gavin Erry, Sheila C. Nemeth, Sunanda Mitra, Peter Soliz, "Image Restoration with High Resolution Adaptive Optical Imaging System," 17th IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS 2004).
- E. S. Barriga, G. Erry, S. Yang, S. Russell, B. Raman, and P. Soliz, "Application of adaptive optics in retinal imaging: A quantitative and clinical comparison with standard cameras." Proceedings of SPIE -- Volume 5688, Ophthalmic Technologies XV, Fabrice Manns, April 2005, pp. 152-163.Yoshifumi Sudo and Naoshi Baba, "Self-deconvolution for shift-and-add imaging," Opt. Lett. 30, 1309-1311 (2005).