Tria Image Processing is much more than deconvolution!
- Performs image mathematics with addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
- Allows the user to apply his/her own image equations to up to four images.
- Performs sub-pixel image shifts, rotations (all degrees), flip horizontal and vertical, and scaling using either nearest-neighbor, bilinear or bicubic interpolation
- Convert images to one of eight formats
- Applies the following common filters: mean, weighted mean, de-speckle, sharpen (light, medium, and heavy), edge detect (LaPlace, Sobel horizontal, Sobel vertical), and rank filter.
- Apply advanced filters like a selective median filter to remove outlier noise, a signal-dependent rank ordered mean filter that is several steps above the selective median filter, and a symmetric nearest neighbor filter that removes noise while preserving edges.
- Crop images using either coordinates or the mouse.
- Non-centric Rotations.
- Trim functions based on user-supplied threshold.
- Normalize images with one click.
- Apply Fourier functions such as Fast Fourier Transform, Inverse FFT, extract Magnitude and Phase, Complex Conjugate, and swap quadrants
- Apply deconvolution using the pseudo-inverse filter, (as effective as iterative techniques, but a lot faster)
- Apply the SeDDaRA blind deconvolution method, (at least as effective as iterative techniques, and a lot faster)
- Apply the CARon approximation of the SeDDaRA function, extracting the blur function without a reference image
- Quickly align (a.k.a register) images for differences in translation, rotation, and scale to sub-pixel accuracy
- Remove noise floor from image.
- Dim objects such as bright stars or sunlight to ensure that they are not saturated in display images
- Batch process images in folders, using many of the functions described above
- Isolate colors in an image.
- Batch Averaging of image stacks
- Flat-field images to remove background noise and CCD artifacts
- Clean and center point spread functions, in preparation for deconvolution
- Create and save reference images for use with SeDDaRA
- All operations are performed on the image data with 32-bit floating point precision, and not the 24-bit displayed representation of the image
Image Analysis
- Apply metrics to compare the results of image deconvolutions, including mean least squares, dynamic signal-to-noise, full-width half maximum comparisons, and Quarktet's own edge response measure
- Perform spot analysis to determine the size and shape of star and planet images and save results in the measurement log.
- Measure distances, angles, and aspect ratios using the mouse while saving the results to the measurement log.
- Superimpose custom grids on the image
- Perform line-out plots by dragging the mouse across the image
- View full and Region-of-interest image stats in the status bar
- Use Tria's Graph window to: display image line-outs, quickly see line-out stats, see the histogram of the line-out, see the 1 dimensional FFT of the line-out, and save data right to a text or csv file.
- click on lines to display image point values
- save line-out data to text files
- display image histograms for 256, 512, or 1024 bins
- quickly jump between line-outs for different images
- use graph cursors
- change graph properties
- display X axis in either X, Y, or interpolated coordinates
- change plot line width without redrawing line
- Change pixel scale of the displayed image
- Split and merge RGB images
Image Display
- Apply false color representation to grayscale images
- Use 'easy to find' sliders and settings to change image contrast
- Contrast settings include ABS (0 to max), MAX (min to max), HIST (10% to 90%) and Manual
- Use a Region-of-Interest to calculate and adjust contrast settings
- Use Image Magnifier viewer to see pixels up close
- Zoom images using with or without interpolation
- An unique 'Compare' Image Viewer for direct comparison of processed and unprocessed images
- Create highlights in grayscale images based on image amplitude.
- Opens and saves 8, 16, 32 and 64-bit floating point TIFF images, 24, 48, and 96-bit RGB TIFF images, 8-bit, 16-bit signed, 16-bit unsigned, and 32-bit and 64-bit grayscale FITS images, 24, 48, and 96-bit RGB FITS images, grayscale and 24-bit RGB bitmap images, jpeg images, png images, wmf images, raw data files, and text delimited files
- Record and save actions (as text) in log files
- All processing functions produce a new image, preserving the original image on the desktop
- Set contrast of all open images to same value.
- Set default open files and contrast settings
- Provides a handy function to rename and renumber images.
- View Image Header Information for TIF, BMP and FITS images
- Customize the Control Panel with your most used functions
If there are other functions or features that you think belong in Tria, let us know!